Exercise COBRA WARRIOR is the practical application of the Find, Fix, Track, Target, Engage, Assess (F2T2EA) or Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, Analyze, Disseminate (F3EAD) killchains requires coordinated efforts among all participants to successfully achieve the commander’s objectives. Fast jet QWI plan for kinetic weapons effects (both air-air and air-ground) and once handed a target complete Target, Engage and Assess. QWI (ISR) provides the Find, Fix, Track and Assess portion of the kill chain. Each morning the QWI students are given an Air Tasking Order (ATO). They then need to plan the appropriate missions required to fulfil the commander’s objectives laid out by the ATO and promulgated in higher level tasking documentation. With different types of aircraft and effects and a robust simulated adversary, planning is complex and typically requires an entire day to plan while mission execute only takes 1–2 hours