JASDF Matsushima AB hosts Koku Kyoiku Shudan (Air Training Command) with 4 Kokudan (wing), 11 Hikotai (Blue Impulse) T-4 and 21 Hikotai F-2B and T-4. Pilots would have flown the T-4 before and now convert to the F-2.

JASDF Hyakuri AB hosts Koku Sotai (Air Defence Command) Chubu Koku Homentai (Central Air Defence Force) with the 7 Kokudan (wing) 3 Hikotai (squadron) F-2A, F-2B and T-4. Also Koku Kyunandan (Air Rescue Wing) has based the Hyakuri Kyunantai with UH-60J and U-125A

JASDF Tsuiki AB hosts Koku Sotai (Air Defence Command) Seibu Koku Homentai (Western Air Defence Force) 8 Kokudan (wing) 6 and 8 Hikotai (squadron) with F-2A, F-2B and T-4. As the airfield is relatively close to the training airfied of Ashiya, regular visits of 13 Hiko Kyoikudan (Flying Training Wing) can be expected.